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Showing posts with the label science-fiction

Update : Cyberpunk 77 development ended on console...

( Source: official cyberpunk site, Google search ) Writer As with the latest update Patch CD Project red ending development for console version of cyberpunk 77... (Writing content in unique and informative way I try to improve my post with up to date information so you find in blog always something great Thank you) (Img. source Google) Following Patch one.6 (the Edgerunners Update), they’ll focus their attention and resources on the new-gen versions of Cyberpunk 2077; however, they’re still committed to and might still provide technical support for the game. “In observe, that means once Patch one.6 your game will still work on previous-gen consoles we've got a bent to|and that we tend to} will still provide technical support to players — as we do with all our completely different games,” the discharge reads. “However, new content updates and enhancements can't be accessible for previous-gen consoles, at the side of the longer t...

Updates 2022: Cyberpunk 77 new update

(info provided by official cyberpunk site). * Updated patches available version 1.6  There is a new list of updates available for cyberpunk 77 . When you look for updates to upgrade playing the game you can found that there's new update available Patch 1.6 2022(you can check updates on official site when they are available) There's a new version of weapons and items . This update is the latest patch available since last update